Grace by Richard Paul Evans
Eric is having a tough time after a recent move, his father not being able to work due to an injury, and just the normal teenage stuff. He works part-time at a burger joint to help out and this is where he meets Grace, while she is digging in a dumpster for food. He is kind and invites her into the restaurant to eat. They talk and Grace tells Eric that she is a runaway. He tells her she can stay in the clubhouse on his parents' property and she accepts. Grace and Eric's lives will never be the same after this Christmas...
I truly love books by Richard Paul Evans and this one is no exception. It is a tender story that brought out all my emotions. I felt for Eric and for Grace, both had tough choices to make. The only problem I had with the book was how come neither Eric or Grace told the authorities what had really happened with her step-dad? That part was unbelievable to me, but otherwise a very touching Christmas story.