1. There are places colder than here.
2. Sunshine blow those clouds away.
3. Standing in the dark.
4. Snow again... oh boy.
5. He went out tiger hunting and caught a kitty kat.
6. WHAT will keep my mind from wandering ???
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to chilaxing, tomorrow my plans include some housework, and Sunday, I want to go see Leap Year with my movie buddy!
Hi, this is my first time doing Friday Fill-In's .... I really like it. It's fun!
Julie, chilaxin sounds great!
Nice list. :) Enjoy chilaxin..
Mariposa's Friday Fill-ins!
Nice Fill-In! Have a great weekend!
Great plans for the weekend. Enjoy :)
#6 - I keep asking the same!
Have a great weekend!
Here are my fill-ins
Enjoy the film! - Kathy
"Chilaxing", nice verb lol.
Hunger Games Summary
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